Different Types of MOVE Commands
1. MOV: Transfers a word of data to the specified word. Transfers data in Source to Destination. If S is a constant, the value can be used for a data setting.
Syntax: [MOV Source word Destination word]
Example: [MOV D5 D10]
Here data in D5 will be moved to D10.
2. MOVL: Transfers two words of data to the specified words. If S is a constant, the value can be used for a data setting.
Syntax: [MOVL Source word Destination word]
Example: [MOV D15 D20]
3. MVN: Also called Move Not, transfers the complement of a word of data to the specified word. MVN inverts the bits in source word and transfers it to destination word.
Syntax: [MVN Source word Destination word]
Example: [MOV D25 D30]
MOVB and MOVD are also used in transfer of specific bit and digit respectively. To test move command, you can make a simple PLC program as shown in above image and then try moving data using PLC simulator in Omron. You can check and verify it in Memory area.
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