Oct 29, 2012

Moving Data using MOV Command in Omron PLC

In some projects, it is required to move some particular or any data to data memory of the PLC in ladder programming in Omron. In that case, we can use a simple instruction called MOV which is used to transfers a word of data to the specified word. This data movement command can be used in 3 forms viz. MOV, MOVL & MVN having different movement function as explained below. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.

Move Instruction in PLC Programming

Different Types of MOVE Commands

1. MOV: Transfers a word of data to the specified word. Transfers data in Source to Destination. If S is a constant, the value can be used for a data setting.

Syntax: [MOV Source word Destination word]
Example: [MOV D5 D10]

Here data in D5 will be moved to D10.

2. MOVL: Transfers two words of data to the specified words. If S is a constant, the value can be used for a data setting.

Syntax: [MOVL Source word Destination word]
Example: [MOV D15 D20]

3. MVN: Also called Move Not, transfers the complement of a word of data to the specified word. MVN inverts the bits in source word and transfers it to destination word.

Syntax: [MVN Source word Destination word]
Example: [MOV D25 D30]

MOVB and MOVD are also used in transfer of specific bit and digit respectively. To test move command, you can make a simple PLC program as shown in above image and then try moving data using PLC simulator in Omron. You can check and verify it in Memory area.

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