Jul 21, 2012

Star Delta PLC Program in Delta PLC

Today in this post we will discuss that how to make a star-delta PLC program in the Delta PLC. Star Delta program is required when we run a motor without VFD. Earlier we have discussed that how can we make the star delta program in Omron PLC.

How to Make Star Delta PLC Program :-&

To make a star delta program is very easy. We must know that how to name the input and output coils in delta PLC. In delta PLC inputs are addressed as X and output as Y.

Star delta program making is very easy in Delta PLC. When the start push button is pushed then the main contractor and the star contractor must go ON and at the same time timer should start and after the timer has completed the pre-set time the Star contractor should be off and the delta contractor should become on. It should be noted that the main contractor should always be on.

Star delta plc program

You can also download the Star-delta PLC program from here.

In the next post we will be discussing the electrical wiring of a star delta starter. Also you can Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email for more PLC programming.

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