Jul 11, 2012

Design Wireless Network of Any Plant Just by Image

Yes! now anyone can design the wireless network of their plant just by the image of their process plant. Honeywell has launched this unique service in which the process plant owners can design the customized wireless network using IEC-approved WirelessHART network standards.

How to Design IEC Standard Wireless Network for Process Plant :-
It is the need of time and technology that most of the plants are opting out for the wireless solutions in their process plants. Wireless network has got much added advantage over the wired networks. Honeywell has launched this service where the user can see in advance that how the wireless network can be set up in the plant before investing in wireless technology.

To design the wireless network scheme for your process plant all you need is the image of the plant present configuration and then follow the below step by step procedure.
Step 1 :- Log On on this HERE

Step 2 :- Upload the image and then select the type of the plot plan.

Step 3 :- Drag and drop the different wireless instruments according to your need and select the best option.

Step 4 :- You can watch the >DEMO HERE for the better understanding in order to design the WirelessHART network.

We hope that this post will help in better designing for the wireless network for your process plant. If you like our post don't forget to like us on Facebook.
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Source/Credit :- Honeywell

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