Dec 16, 2011

Auto Tuning of H2 Vector Drive/Inverter

Baldor has a strong presence in VFD market and its vector series drives are most popular. These are high efficiency drives which saves a lot of energy (up to 30%) and reduces the maintenance and energy costs. We will study about the auto tuning feature of this drive in this post and the quick set up to run the H2 vector drive.

Baldor H2 Vector Drive Quick Set Up Procedure :-
If you have a baldor vector drive and want to commission it then follow the below procedure. First of all you have to connect the AC supply and the motor wires at the respective places. See the instruction manual of the Vector drive for knowing the exact position of the terminal. After connecting the power to vector drive , power on the drive. Firstly the H2 logo will glow on for 2 seconds and then the main menu will display. From the main menu select the quick set up and press enter.In this first option will be of the "Mode" in which you want to run the drive , select accordingly . The vector srives supports three running modes i.e V/F , open loop and closed loop. After selecting the control mode of the motor press enter , the next option will be of the motor rated volts , motor rate current and then motor magnetic ampere , enter all these values from the name plate of the motor. The next options will be of motor RPM , frequency , enter these from the nameplate of the motor.
After entering all these data , the next option will be of Feedback type ,by default it is Daughter feedback , don't change this. Next option will be of calculate motor model , select this and make it "yes" , the drive will automatically calculate the motor model.

Auto Tuning of Baldor H2 Vector Drive/Inverter :-
After enetring the motor data in the quick set up menu as told above , now we only need to auto tune the drive and the drive will automatically calculate the motor information on its own.This is a very unique feature which is available in the Baldor VFD. Inside the quick set up menu there is one option of "One step tuning" , slect this and press enter to start the auto tuning of the drive. The test will start and a series of 4 - 5 test will be done , like feedback test, current and speed loop test. Just press enter after each test is completed.

Afte all the test are passed , come to the main menu and select the Local mode , to test the motor. Now press the FWD button on the keypad and the motor will start rotating , if you want to increase the RPM then press the up arrow key on the keypad. If all the test in the auto tune are passed the motor will rotate very smoothly. Now there is nothing to do in drive. All other functions like accel/decel time you can set very easily later on. One Step tuning is a very good method to quickly set up the drive.

We hope that after reading this post you can easily run a baldor vector drive. If still you face any problem you can write to us in the comment section and we will try our best to solve your problem. If you like our blog , then flike and g+ it.
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