Oct 24, 2011

Omron E2C-EDA Proximity Sensor Features and User Manual

Omron, a global leader in sensing technology has recently launched a new range of digital proximity sensors. The E2C-EDA series of proximity sensor are best in class with a lots of new features. This has got a separate amplifier unit. This digital proximity sensor series has got all typr of sensor heads from thin(3mm) to flat sensor heads such that the space for installation is not a problem. Also it has got flexible cable and can also generate a alarm output in case of open circuit and thus making troubleshooting easy. E2C-EDA high resolution digital proximity sensor finds it uses in application demanding Height inspection, Gap inspection or for positioning measurement.

E2C-EDA High Resolution Proximity Features :-
E2C-EDA series sensor has got very high resolution and repeat accuracy of 1um and has got flat temperature characteristics. It has got a separate amplifier unit which has two large , easy to read LED displays. One displays shows the detected value while other shows the threshold value. Various teaching methods available to set the threshold value. It has got a connector for connecting sensor head to the amplifier unit. Fine and precise positioning is possible with this sensor. Also this sensor have the feature for preventing mutual interference between different sensor and many sensor can be connected very close to each other in the same

Specification /Installation and Opearation Manual for E2C-EDA Proximity Sensor
The installation procedure , various teaching methods can be found out in the User Manual of this sensor. Also the information about the different types of models such as twin output model or external input model can be found in this manual. Information about different type of sensor heads and diameter is also there in this user manual. You can get the Operation and Installation manual from below.

User Manual For Omron E2C-EDA

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Oct 22, 2011

Delta Released WPLSoft 2.20.11 Latest Version

As we all know that WPL Soft is used for the programming of delta series of PLC. In fact every Delta PLC can be programmed by two software either WPL Soft or ISP Soft. Delta recently launched the Updated version of WPL SOft. In this new version some features are added and some shortcuts are alo replaced. Also the amount of Data monitoring has been increased up to 256 data that can be monitored at a single time.

Delta PLC Latest Programming Software :-
A lot of new features like "Load Cell Module" button has been added. CP2000 model is also added in the library of PLC. Now CP2000 can be programmed using the WPL Soft 2.20.11 version. Also the Compiler settings option has been also added in this new version of WPL Soft. To provide a good look to the programming environment a option for changing the background colour of the "Ladder Diagram" has been added in the set colour of fonts and ladder. So overall this updated version has got some good features from the previous version of WPL Soft.

How to get Latest WPLSoft 2.20.11 Version Software :-
Yes as always Delta provides its software for free to all its customers , this time you can download it for free from Delta website or alternatively you can download it from below.

Get WPLSoft 2.20.11

Also you can subscribe to get all latest updates about Delta PLC and VFD.
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Oct 21, 2011

Omron CP1 PLC on Ethernet Network

Omron has introduced a new adapter through which all the CP1 series PLC can be connected in Ethernet network as slaves.Earlier there was no option of Ethernet communication in the micro plc of omrom. But with the introduction of the CP1W-EI01 connector CP1 series plc can now have Ethernet/ip communication. With this new function the micro plc of Omron can now be in Ethernet network and behave as intelligent slave devices for monitoring and control.

CP1W-EIP01 Ethernet/IP connector for Omron CP1 Series PLC :-
The CP1W-EIP01 connector easily mounts on the unused slot of the CP1 series PLC. We have already discussed about the CP1W-CIF11 connector which is used for Modbus Communication.With the help of this connector CP1 Micro Plc can be turned in to an intelligent Ethernet slave device. The PLC must be connected to a Ethernet master device for the data sharing purpose.

Each PLC connected with EIP01 can be used for data monitoring and control over the Ethernet network. Also Micro PLC have transistor type outputs and thus can be used for the motion control purpose also and also has real time clock. Also this connector is ControlLogix and CompactLogix compatible and can be connected with these devices. So the Omron CP1 series PLC with CP1W-EIP01 can be connected to Rockwell Ethernet/IP Master.
Also up to 128 slave device can be connected in one network with one Master. The distance between the HUB and the CP1W-EIP01 can be up to maximum 100m. This Ethernet/Ip connector is of 100Base-Tx type and can also be converted to 10Base-T.
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How to Configure CP1W-EIP01 for Ethernet/IP Communication :-
For setting up the CP1W-EIP01 for Ethernet communication first of all we have to put its IP address. The Default IP address of this connector is and we can put any address that we want. The IP address of the slave device has to be defined in the Data Words (DM) of PLC. The IP address which needs to be set is put in D1200 and D1201. In the D1200 the first and second octet will be defined (in HEX) and in D1201 third and fourth octet. The request packet interval time is 10 ms minimum.

Now let us discuss about a application where this Ethernet Connector can be used efficiently. See the below system configuration.

In this system Omron CJ PLC is used as Master , connected with Omron CP1H plc as slave. The CP1W-EIP01 is mounted on CP1H plc and is acting as slave in the network. Now this PLC is communicating to CJ plc in Ethernet network and the CP1H plc can control a VFD through MODBUS and also can control a servo drive by using Pulse type outputs. Also it can accept the High Speed Input of Encoder.

We have already discussed about the How to run VFD in Modbus through Omron PLC , PLC Program/Connection for Omron Servo Drive and Omron Encoder Connection with PLC and its programming. So this Ethernet/IP connector is very useful where we need to have Ethernet Network and can provide a cost efficient solution.

If you have any doubts you can write to us in the comment section. Also you can subscribe to get all latest updates by E-Mail.
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Oct 20, 2011

Understanding the Servo & Motion Basics

Servo systems are used widely to control the position and velocity or torque of the load.Accurate and Precise motion of machines is achieved with the help of servo systems. We have already discussed about the Servo Fundamentals in our earlier post. Today we will try to understand the fundamentals of Servo and Motion control for the beginners. First of all we should understand that what do we mean by a Servo System? What a Servo System consists of and What functionality it gives , these will be the questions which we will be discussing in this post.

Basic Fundamental of Servo Control and Motion :-
A Servo system consists of a Servo drive and Servo Motor. These systems are used where precise positional move is required,where there is frequent starting and stopping and also where there is very frequent change in direction of motion. Servo Motion has gained the attention from all over the world because of its frequent precise movement capabilities.Servo Control is a closed loop system , where there is feedback form the load side to the controller about the present condition.
A servo responds to the feedback signal in few milliseconds and the desired correction is done. Servo Control generally used for Velocity and Position control. But in majority of applications both the control are needed. There are applications where it is desired that the positional move should occur within a time frame for increased productivity , so in all such applications both velocity and position control are needed. Industries demanding such application include textile, medical and packaging.

Servo Control Terminology and Parts of Servo Motion System :-
Servo Motor - It is the section of servo control which drives the load or it provides motion to load. Servo Motor may be connected via Gearbox with load. The Servo Motor have very fast response and usually low inertia.

Servo Control - It is the part of system which controls the amount of voltage and current given to motor i.e it controls the amount of power supplied to the motor. The amount of power supplied to motor decides the motion i.e if more voltage given then motor moves fast and so on. The servo control moves the motor to a specific position with desired speed and continuously monitors the feedback signal to monitor that desired motion is achieved or not , if not then it changes the signal to correct it and all these things happen in a matter of milliseconds.

Feedback - A feedback device (encoder, resolver)is located inside the motor and gives signal to servo control about the current position speed etc .

Power Supply - It is used to convert the AC Supply to DC Supply.

Motion Controller for Accurate Positioning :-
The servo Drive only controls the speed or velocity of motor. SO we need a controller which issue the command for the movement , so a controller is needed and this controller is programmable and we can program it according to our application requirement. See the Below block diagram for a better understanding.

A Motion controller is the heart of the system , i.e it monitors the position and issue accurate commands for the desired motion to take place. User can program it according to application demand and moreover we can have multiple servo control with the single controller. User interface can be a PC or HMI.
We hope that after reading this article you must be familiar with the servo basics and in further articles we will discuss more about the Servo and Motion , till then you can subscribe to get all latest updates.
If you have any doubts then you can contact us through the comment section.
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Oct 18, 2011

Reading Messages of Modem Connected with PLC

In the latest applications modems are used with PLC for the remote control applications. Modems have found their way to be sued with PLC for better remote monitoring applications. We have already discussed as How to send Message through GSM Modem and also about the SMS through SCADA & Modem. Today we will see the AT command used for sending the message received on GSM Modem to the Terminal Equipment(TE).

AT Command for Message Transfer to TE

The indication will be sent from the network to TE when TE is active; for example, DTR signal is ON. controls the processing of unsolicited result codes specified within this command, <mt> sets the result code indication routing for SMS-DELIVERs, <bm> for CBMs and <ds> for SMS-STATUS-REPORTs. <bfr> defines the handling method for buffered result codes when <mode> 1, 2 or 3 is enabled.

If ME does not support requested item (although TA does), final result code +CMS ERROR: is returned. Test command returns the settings supported by the TA as compound values.

NOTE: Command Select Message Service +CSMS should be used to detect ME support of mobile terminated SMs and CBMs, and to define whether a message which is routed directly to TE should be acknowledged or not.

SYNTAX:- AT+CNMI= [,(mt) [,(bm) [,(ds) [,(bfr)]]]]

Now let us see the meaning of Mode, <mt>, <bm>, <ds>, and <bfr> and values associated with them.

Mode Values:-

0 -- Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA. If TA result code buffer is full, indications can be buffered in some other place or the oldest indications may be discarded and replaced with the new receiver indications.

1 -- Discard indication and reject newly received message unsolicited result code when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in online data mode). Otherwise forward them directly to the TE.

2 -- Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in online data mode) and flush them to the TE after reservation. Otherwise forward them directly to the TE.

(mt) Value:-

0 -- No SMS-DELIVER (message to ME) indications are routed to the TE. Default.

1 -- SMS-DELIVER is stored in ME. The indication of the memory location is routed to the TE by using the unsolicited result code.

2 -- class 0, class 1 and class 3 SMS-DELIVERs are routed directly to the TE using unsolicited result code.

3 -- Class 3 SMS-DELIVERs are routed directly to TE using unsolicited result codes defined in <mt>=2. Messages of other data coding schemes result in indication as defined in <mt>=1.

(bm) Value:-
0 -- No CBM indications are routed to the TE.

1 -- The CBM is stored and an indication of the memory location is routed to the customer application using unsolicited result code: +CBMI: "BM", <index>

2 -- CBM is routed directly to the TE by using the unsolicited result code:

+CBM: <length><cr><lf><pdu> (PDU mode enabled)
+CBM: <sn>,<mid>,<dcs>,<page>,<pages>(Text mode) <CR><LF> <data> (text mode enabled)

(ds) Values :-
0 -- No SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are routed to the TE.

1 -- SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are routed to the TE using unsolicited result code: +CDS: <length> <CR> <LF> <pdu> (PDU
mode) or +CDS: <fo>,<mr>, [<ra>] , [<tora>], <scts>,<dt>,<st> (Text mode)

2 -- SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are stored and routed using the unsolicited result code: +CDSI: "SR",<index>

(bfr) values
Its default value is 0.

0: TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is flushed to the TE when 1…3 is entered (OK response shall be given before flushing the codes)

1: TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared when 1…3 is entered.

We hope that CNMI AT command is clear after understanding the above things. We will discuss more about GSM Modem Communication with PLC and the AT commands used, till then you can subscribe to get all latest updates by E Mail. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.

Oct 4, 2011

Run VFD at Different Frequencies through Terminal

Variable frequency Drives are used in a wide variety of applications. Almost all the industries use VFD for Speed control of the Motor. The most common method of controlling the speed of the motor is achieved with connecting POT to drive. However in this method we need to have operator to control the Speed.

But in this world of Automation where all machines are Auto Driven, there comes need to change the speed of Motor on its own. So for this situation there is feature in Drive for Preset Speed Settings where the frequency changes automatically depending on the Input Terminals State.

How to Configure Baldor VFD for Preset Multi Speed :-
Baldor manufactures VFD which is very popular in the Industry for their reliable operation and high efficiency. Today in this post we will see that how can we program the VFD/Drive/Inverter for Multi Preset Speeds. Earlier We have discussed about the Multi Speed Settings in Omron JX Drive..For this purpose see the below step by step procedure

I. Connect the Input supply to the VFD and then we will make the parameter settings in the drive.

Parameter For Multi Speed Run in Baldor VFD:-

In Baldor VS1MD series VFD there are 3 terminals for assigning the Multi Speed Function and thus we can achieve 7 different preset speeds depending on the Input conditions at these terminals.

The parameter settings for these is as below :-

Parameter Name ----------------------------------------------------Value
T6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
T7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
T8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

So, the terminal P6, P7 and P8 will be configured as Preset Speed terminals with the above parameter settings. Now we need to define the Preset Speed Values for each Input Combination. As there are 3 terminals defined so we can achieve 8 different preset speeds in VFD.

Parameter Name -------------------------------------------------Value
P40 ---------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 1
P43----------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 2
P44----------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 3
P45 ---------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 4
T10----------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 5
T11----------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 6
T12----------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 7
T13----------------------------------------------------------------Preset Speed 8

Above Parameter configuration in the drive will lead to the frequency/Speed at each input condition. Now we are done with the Parameter settings in the VFD. We have to make the wiring accordingly at the Drive terminal P6 , P7 and P8.

The above diagram shows that at which input combination which preset speed will be active in drive. For Example: - If terminal P7 and P8 are high then the preset speed 6 will be active i.e the frequency set in Parameter T12 will be active and drive will run at that frequency.

Important Note: - The Run command should be active/High before any preset speed operation could occur.

Baldor VFD Wiring for Multi Preset Speed Function:-
After setting the Parameters in drive as told above, power off the VFD and then we have to make the connection at I/O terminals. As discussed above there are three terminals P6, P7 and P8 defined for this purpose. Also we will use terminal P1 as for Run Command of Drive.

There is one CM terminal at Drive I/O, whenever this terminal is connected with any other then that will be a high signal. So we have to make wiring accordingly.

For Example:- The Run Command will be received by the drive when CM is short with P1.

After making the wiring, power On the VFD and give the RUN command and then make the input combination and Preset Speed Terminals P6, P7 and P8 and run the VFD as per your application demand.

If you have any doubts then you can write to us in the comment section. We will be happy to help you out. Also if you like this information then Google Plus and do Like it. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.

Connecting Baldor VS1PF Drive to PC with Help of USB to RS485 Kit

The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a demonstration of connecting a USB to RS485 Cable kit from a Personal Computer to the Baldor VS1PF drive. The VS1PF provides ability to gain traditional energy savings achieved by controlling centrifugal loads with a variable frequency drive while implementing unique algorithms that further reduce energy consumed by your application. There are certain steps which must be follow to achieve this connection. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.

Steps to be followed :-

1. Connect the USB cable to your computer and plug the other side to the USB to 485 Converter.
2. Set the USB Converter Switches for RS485 2-Wire Connection.
3. Wire from the Converter to the drive inputs C- and C+ making sure that the polarity of wires matches.
4. Wire from the GND on the Converter to the CM on the drive terminal.

Oct 1, 2011

Micrologix 1000 Tutorial Explaining AND & OR Function

Here is a very good video tutorial from BTC Instrumentation for beginners, who want to understand the concept of AND and OR function in a PLC. In this tutorial Allen Bradley MicroLogix 1000 PLC is used and both the function are explained with proper live demonstration. The video is easy to understand and will clear your doubts. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.

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