Jul 10, 2011

Use P_ON and P_OFF in Omron PLC Programming

In the Omron PLC we have got two system Flags for Permanently On and Permanently Off Conditions. These PLC Bits Proves Very Useful while Troubleshooting the PLC Program. Generally after making the complete plc program when we commission the PLC Panel at site then at that time we need to test many things , so these bits make the task much easier.

How to Use P_on and P_off on Omron PLC :-

In our earlier tutorial we have already understood about the the PLC Internal Memory System Bits. When we make the PLC Program at a earlier stage of development than we have to include all the function and logic in it . But at the later stage we have to cut something out of it or add new logic and program sections.

Suppose that if we want that a particular rung condition should always be true , thus in this case we can use P_ON system flag.
Also while troubleshooting the PLC program if we want to cut the on condition of certain rung than we can use P_off.

To use the P_on and P_off in omron PLC , just input a contact and then select down from the options. Also you can enter the address directly.For P_On the address is CF113 and for P_Off it is CF114. See the Below Picture.

Also we have attached a sample PLC Program containing the P_on and P_Off.

PLC Program For use OF P_on and P_Off.

If you have any problem in PLC Programming related to Omron or Delta or Schneider PLC than you can write us in comment section and we will help you definitely.Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.


  1. @skillers4u I dont think this is possible without SCADA

  2. I want to communication between OMRON CP1H CPU X PLC and DELTA VFD-M using OMRON CP1W cif11 communication module so i need sample program for plc.

    Thank You

  3. Hi,am trying to compile a simple program and whenever i try to compile it i receive an error message (rung 0- overlapping rung) how can i overcome this kindly
