Jul 3, 2011

P&F Vision Sensor For Precision Positioning - VOS120-FFPL-200-IR

P&F is a well known company in the field of sensors. P&F manufactures some of the most wanted sensors which are used in the critical applications. In many industries very exact precision positioning is required. P&F have a wide range of vision sensor for such applications.

High Precision Vision Sensor VOS120-FFPL-200-IR by P&F :-

This sensor has been specially developed for Hig precision positioning of high-bay racking operating equipment. This can operate in two axis i.e x and y axis. It detects the position of holes and their deviation if any from the normal Position. The operating range of this sensor is from 15o to 250 mm and the optical resolution also depends upon the sensing distance.

This sensor has got a RS232 interface and all the position deviation of the holes are output through this interface only in ASCII Data. In addition to this , the sensor also provide four digital outputs as -X,+X ,-Y or +Y depending on the deviation of the hole in x or y axis.

ASCII Communication Between Sensor and PLC :-

The communication between the PLC and P&F Vision Sensor takes place in the form of instruction or data messages. The format of the Instruction sent to the sensor is as follows:-
Byte 0 :-- STX
Byte 1 :-- Message Type
Byte 2 :-- ASCII Instruction Code
Byte 3 :-- CR
Byte 4 :-- LF

ASCII Instruction Code and Their Meaning in P&F Vision Sensor :-
Instruction Code ----------------------------------------------------------Meaning
G----------------------------------------------Switch Sensor to Continuous Mode.
S----------------------------------------------Trigger Single Measurement
I----------------------------------------------Deactivate Sensor
A----------------------------------------------Activate Image Storage Mode.
O----------------------------------------------Deactivate Image Storage Mode.
W-------------------------------------Save the setting of ISM in Non Volatile memory
T-------------------------------------Accept current position as Normal Position.

When the sensor is activated all the results are continuously calculated and sent out. If the sensor is de-activated than no measurements are done.
After receiving the command instruction from PLC the sensor sends the acknowledge of each Command back to PLC. The acknowledge can be of three different types.
Q------- Acknowledged , F -- Fail , U --- Unknown.

Also if you want to study in deep about this sensor than you can download its manual from Below.

P&F Vision Sensor For Precision Positioning - VOS120-FFPL-200-IR

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