Jun 3, 2011

Converting PLC Program for Other Model in Omron

Many a times it happens that we have a PLC Program made in advance and we need to download in to PLC. But the problem is that the PLC Program made is for some other model and the available PLC is different. Suppose we have a PLC Program made in CPM1A plc and we have to convert the Program to Omro CP1E PLC. SO in This tutorial we will see how to convert the PLC Code from one PLC to another in Omron.

Changing PLC Model in Omron PLC Programming :-

To change the plc program from one plc to another is really a simple task in Omron. Just open the program which you want to convert to a different model , in the project work space you will see the PLC Model written , Just click on it , a window will open just change the plc model to one which u desire. Click on OK and the plc program will convert to desired plc selected by you.

Also after converting the PLC program check it for any errors. It may be possible that some instruction may no be supported in the new plc selected. So check for errors and if any correct the same.

We also have made a video for you so that it can be clearly understood by you. See below video for better understanding.

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