May 8, 2011

Use Counter as Timer in Omron Zen PLC Programming

Zen is a programmable relay by Omron , it is a very basic PLC and generally used for small scale applications. However Zen comes in different models and also analog Inputs can be connected.But the number of timers & Counter are limited . Only 16 timers & 16 counters are available in Zen Programmable Relay. Some times it happens that we need to use more than 16 timers in our program , so in that case what can be the possible solution?

Make Counter to Work as Timer in Omron Zen PLC :-
If it is required to use more than 16 timers and counters are free than we can make the plc logic in such a way that counter will work as timer. Suppose that we need a timer of 10 seconds , another timer of 15 seconds and third timer of 20 seconds. Then first of all make a timer with preset value as 1 second. Note :- Take the timer as flashing type i.e the timer will remain on and off simultaneously for the value set until the input condition is true.

After that make 3 counters and in the preset value put 10 , 15 and 20 seconds. And in the input condition of all the counters put the Timer Done bit. So in this way these counters will behave as timer of 10 second , 15 second and 20 seconds.

So this technique can prove beneficial in the case when timers are falling short. We have made a sample program , you can download it from below. Both the zen and pdf file are included and also you can test the program in the zen programming software simulator.

Counter As Timer in Zen

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