May 27, 2011

Delta PLC Programming & I/O Addressing

Delta PLC are very popular in the market due to their Economical prices and Nice working. The most Economical basic model of Delta plc is "SS" which is very popular due to its very good price.There are also higher models available with almost all features which we get in all other make PLC , but in DELTA Plc we always get better price as compared to other make PLC.

How to Make PLC Program in Delta PLC :-

Well before going in to programming let us first know the programming software for Delta PLC. WPL SOft is the name of programming software. Version 2.12.06 of WPLSoft is recommended as this one communicates with all windows xp , 7 and vista. Open the software and create a new Project , select the proper PLC Model Over there and click next. Now open the Project and in the left hand side you will see the "Project Work Space" , here click on ladder diagram and we will make the plc logic here.

Input / Output Addressing in Delta PLC :-

Now to make plc logic we need the NO and NC Contacts , Drag the NO contact in the ladder diagram and input its address. The Input Addressing in Delta PLC is from X0 to X177.That is the Input address starts from X0 to X7 - than X10 to X17 and X20 to X27 and so on.Same is the case for Output Addressing. But one thing we keep in Mind is that When we connect I/O Card in "SS" PLC than the input and output addressing for that card starts from X20 and Y20. For example we have a 14SS plc than there will be 8 inputs from X0 to X7 and 6 outputs Y0 to Y5. Suppose one I/O Card of 16 points is connected next to SS CPU. So the Input addressing on this card will begin from X20 and Output Address from Y20.

Download PLC Program in Delta PLC :-

After making the PLC logic , we need to download the plc logic in the PLC. For that we first have the Delta PLC Programming Cable . Connect the Programming cable first and then go to "Options" tab and select "Communication Settings" Here you will see a "Auto - Detect" Button ,click on it and it will automatically detects the communication settings and fill all the things accordingly. Then go to Communication and select Transfer setup Option , here select the PC==PLC option to download the plc logic.

Also there is one sample plc program which you can get from below , a simple start stop logic is made using Delta 14SS plc .

Delta PLC Sample Program.

Hope this post made you understand the basics of Delta PLC. We will be discussing more about Delta PLC , you can subscribe to get all latest updates. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.

1 comment:

  1. how can i give Analog (varying) input in Mitsubishi WPL softare
