Jul 24, 2015

Panasonic FPΣ Series PLC & NV HMI Communication

As discussed in the previous article the Panasonic FP-X series and NV HMI RS232/RS485 Communication, here will see the communication of one more PLC by Panasonic i.e FPΣ Series PLC with NV HMI. NV HMI can be connected either at Tool port or the COM port at the PLC, and communication can be done through RS232 or RS485.

NV HMI Communication with Panasonic FPΣ Series PLC & NV HMI Communication

We will see the complete step by step procedure for the communication scheme between Omron NV HMI and Panasonic FPΣ-series PLC. First of all, lets us see how we will connect the NV HMI with FPΣ-series Tool Port.

||Panasonic FPΣ-series PLC Tool Port Connection with NV HMI[RS232]||

For making connections via Tool port we need a Mini DIN 5-pin connector. Just make the connections as shown below.

PLC Tool Port>--------------------------------------------------NV HMI
PIN 1 (SG)-------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 8 (SG)
PIN 2 (SD)-------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 5 (RD)
PIN 3 (RD)-------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 4 (SD)

Connecting to an FPΣ-series COM Port[Rs232]:-

PLC COM 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- NV HMI
PIN SD--------------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 5(RD)
PIN RD--------------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 4(SD)
PIN SD--------------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 8(SG)

Note:- Also short the RS and CS at the PLC side. Connect the RS and CS terminals on the COM1.

Connection Diagram for FPΣ COM Port 3 (RS-485, 1 Channel):-

PLC COM 3-----------------------------------------------------------------NV HMI
PIN + ------------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 4 (+SD)
PIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------Terminal 5 (-SD)

NOTE:- Short the Terminal 4 with 6 and Terminal 7 with 8. Turn ON pins 1 to 4 on the switch on the back of the COM3.

Also make the following Communications Format Setting for the RS485 Communication.

COM port 1------------>>> unit number 1
COM port 1------------>>> communications mode Computer link
COM port 1------------>>>transmission format 8 bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit, terminal
CR (fixed), no STX
COM port 1 baud rate setting ------------>>>38,400, 57,600, or 115,200 bps

Now after making the Hardware connections as desired per the application, we now just have to define some communication parameters at both the HMI and PLC side.

Open the NV designer (NV designer is the HMI software) and create a new project and he PLC type select as "Panasonic FP Series." After this got to PT-------NV Configuration and make Baud Rate as 19200 Kbps, Data Bit as 8, Stop Bit 1 and Parity as Odd.

Now we are done with all the necessary settings to be done for the communication between NV HMI and Panasonic FPΣ Series PLC. If you face any problems then you can write us in the comment section. Also, you can subscribe to get all latest updates in your Inbox. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.

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