Jan 1, 2011

RS422 Communication Between Omron HMI NT11 and PLC

Omron HMI NT11 comes with two port RS232 and RS422. To interface it with PLC we can use either of one port. But generally compact PLC comes with only one RS232 port and if we are using any other external device to be connected on RS232 port of PLC then the problem arises. So dont worry here is the solution, we can interface our NT11 HMI with RS422 port.

To connect make sure that PLC has Rs422/Rs485 Port.Here we will take example of as How to connect NT11 in RS422 with Omron PLC CP1E/CP1H.
First of all connect CIF11(rs422 port) on PLC and after that make the following hardware connections.
NT11 Side ------------------------------------------- Omron PLC Side
RDA ------------------------------------------------ SDA
RDB ------------------------------------------------ SDB
SDA ------------------------------------------------ RDA
SDB ------------------------------------------------ RDB

NOTE:- Also Connect the shield to FG terminal on PLC Rs422 port.

So after making these connections , now we have to make some DIP switch settings in PLC and HMI side.Subscribe to PLC, HMI Programming and SCADA Tutorials by Email .
Dip Switch Settings in NT11 and PLC for RS422 Mode:-
In NT11 side, if you see at the back side then there are dip switches , make them all OFF.
IN PLC side also make all dip switch OFF.
Also some software settings have to be made. Turn of the power of HMI and press F1 and F2 keys together and then turn on the power , by this way you will enter the maintenance mode of HMI. Here you select the Mode as Host link , baud rate as 19200 and connection as RS422.
After making all these settings yours HMI is ready to work . Just recycle the power once and its all complete. If after doing above things still you are facing some problem then feel free to contact us in comment section and we will be happy to help you . You can also subscribe to receive all such practical things directly in Yours Mail-box.
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