Jan 5, 2011

AT Help Command List with Syntax

As told earlier AT commands are very important in telecommunication and setup o a modem. This Commands help you to set your MODEM setting. Basically AT stands for ATTENTION commands. This article will tell you the basic AT help commands with Syntax which will help you in getting AT help while configuring your GSM,CDMA Modem.

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AT Help Command List

1. AT ??: List supported AT commands

This command lists all supported AT commands and result codes starting with .

Beside this, there is also the possibility to type "AT ??" on the command line to get a detailed description of the command.

AT ??=

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2. AT ?E: Show last error

This Shows the last error in extended form.

AT ?E 

See below link for more AT commands or Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email for more such tutorial on AT commands.

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