Oct 24, 2010

Best SMS Sending Software Using GSM MODEM

There are number of way to send SMS using a a GSM Modem but if you are using a GSM Modem with some third party software such as SCADA to send SMS when a particular Alarm arises then you can make scripts in your SCADA. But making scripts is not a easy task.So if you are Not a Pro in making Script and want to use some Software to send SMS for your when a Alarm arise then you can choose different-different Software but the best which we like is U.C.M.E from Control-See. Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email.
And U.C.ME-OPC software includes the ability to send alarm notifications very easily. With This Software you can send SMS to both Landlines and Mobile phones by simply defining the number in this software.
You can connect this Software to any SCADA supporting OPC and even DDE. Setup-ing a OPC server is a easy task for that you will be needing a OPC server. In this UCME software you can make Alarm Condition's for which you have to send SMS, Define particular Recipients and even you can make a list of user who can disable these alarms through replying to this SMS alarm.

You can see further information about this software in Control see Website - http://www.controlsee.com/Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email. and get latest tutorials on Automation.

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