Dec 13, 2009

Creating a New file in RSview32

Creating a New file in RSview32 is a simple task. You just have a basic knowledge of SCADA, or even if you don't have then also you can develop simple applications. You can also learn RSView 32 or any other SCADA tutorials here.
Subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email. To create a file in RSview32 follow the below steps and get started:

1.Click on Rsview32 icon to open it. It will look like below image

2.Now click on FIle and then New and a window will be opened.
Name the file whatever you want.

3.Now you will see a window in right side with your file name at header.
It will contain System,Graphics,Alarm,Data log etc.

4.Click on Graphics and then in Display. Then a new window will open where you can create your application.

Now create your application.

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